Tournament Rules


Arrive on Nantucket. Captains Meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Many boats pre-fish this day.

Fishing Day 1

Lines IN no earlier than 5am, Lines OUT no later than 5pm. Boats can continue to fight hooked fish after the lines out time, needs to be called in on tournamnet CH. 72

All vessels returning to Nantucket Boat Basin must hand in their score sheet NO LATER than 7pm. Boats staying offshore for the Nite Bite must call in their Day One scores NO LATER than 7pm, phone number will be on the scorecard.

Nite Bite

Starts at 5pm and ends at 4:59am on Saturday, any fish hooked prior to 4:59am on Saturday will be considered Nite Bite for points. Boats participating in the Nite Bite should return their Nite Bite & Day Two score sheets Saturday when you return to the Boat Basin.

Fishing Day 2

Lines IN no earlier than 5am, Lines OUT no later than 3pm. All vessels must return to Nantucket Boat Basin & hand in their final score sheet NO LATER than 6pm. Captain’s must be able to provide necessary video evidence upon request of score committee for billfish including swordfish and giant bluefin tuna. Score keeper will be at the John Jay Wharf Cottage to collect all required information starting at 4pm.

Awards & Auction

8pm : Awards Ceremony will take place at Slip 14, wrist bands will be handed out in the Captain’s Bag (6 per boat). Additional wrist bands can be purchased at check-in for $75 per person.

Trophies will be awarded to the First, Second and Third place winners in both Division I and Division II, Nite Bite, Team Challenge, Kevin Glynn Memorial Award and Overall Winner. Crew members for the First Place winners in each division will also be awarded a pair of COSTA sunglasses, thanks to our sponsor COSTA DEL MAR.

Scoring Process

  1. Each boat will receive a Big Game Battle Score Book, Catch Flags, Tournament Magazine, and banquet wristbands in their Captain’s Bag upon Thursday’s Check-In.
  2. There will be a different color sheet for Day 1, Day 2, and the optional Nite Bite in the Score Book. Colors coincide with your catch flags for Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Giant Bluefin Tuna, and Swordfish.
  3. Be sure to label your Boat and Captain Name & Number at the top of each score sheet.
  4. Each Detailed Score Sheet must be completed as fish are caught. Remember to include catch times and anglers for each fish, as these are critical in the case of a tie. This is a NMFS Registered Tournament, and detailed data is required to be submitted at the conclusion of the tournament.
  5. On the opposite side of the Detailed Score Sheet is a Summary Sheet. Please complete the Summary Sheet for each fishing period. This will expedite our turnaround in posting scores.
  6. The Tournament Staff and our Official Score Keeper will be outside of John Jay to collect all Score Sheets. Video of Billfish or Giant Bluefins is required with the catch flag in the video. All Score Sheets will be timestamped upon receipt by the Tournament Staff. Once tallied and reviewed, your scores will be posted outside on the Master Tournament Results Score Poster and on the Big Game Battle App. We ask everyone to be patient while we process scores and determine winners to ensure a smooth and accurate process.
  7. All other rules outlined in this Tournament Magazine (under Tournament Rules) will still apply. Be mindful of Lines In / Lines Out times, requirements for score submission if staying out for Nite Bite, and all score submission deadlines. Any boat(s) that do not follow Tournament Rules pertaining to Scores will be disqualified for that day or possibly the entire tournament. Please review Tournament Rules and this Scoring Process with your crew before departing offshore.
Species Points Details
GIANT BLUEFIN (Greater than 73″) 200 Limit 3 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit – Video Mandatory with Catch Flag.
BLUEFIN (Under 73″) 100 Limit 3 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.
YELLOWFIN 100 Limit 6 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.
BIG EYE 250 Limit 3 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.
ALBACORE 100 Limit 6 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.
BLUE MARLIN 600 No Limit on fish per day for points – Video Mandatory with Catch Flag.
WHITE MARLIN 150 Limit 4 fish per day for points – Video Mandatory with Catch Flag.
SAILFISH 200 Limit 3 fish per day for points – Video Mandatory with Catch Flag.
SWORDFISH 600 Limit 1 fish per day for points, 1 fish per night – Video Mandatory with Catch Flag.
MAKO 150 Limit 1 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.
MAHI 10 Limit 10 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS bag limit.
WAHOO 200 Limit 3 fish per day for points – Refer to NMFS for bag limit.

Tournament Rules

  1. All boats must depart from Nantucket unless the committee is notified prior to the start of the tournament. This is not an IGFA tournament; it is a group of boats and friends wishing to have a good time in Nantucket with some friendly competition. Please make note that there are two sides to the scoresheet. Both sides must be filled out in order for your points to count.
  2. Friday: Lines cannot be in the water any earlier than 5:00 AM, and the lines must be out of the water by 5:00 PM. All boats returning to Nantucket must turn in their score sheets by 7:00 PM to the score table at the John Jay Wharf Cottage with required time-stamped videos. Nite Bite goes from 5:00 PM to 4:59 AM.
  3. All boats staying out overnight Friday must have their scores called in by 7:00 PM via satellite phone or relayed by another boat in the tournament. Please call in with the numbers provided on the bottom right of your score sheets. Your score sheets will be timestamped. Required videos for boats staying out Friday night will be reviewed Saturday night. Please itemize each species totals on your call-in.
  4. Saturday: Lines cannot be in the water any earlier than 5:00 AM, and lines must be out of the water by 3:00 PM. All boats must turn in their score sheets by 6:00 PM at John Jay Wharf Cottage with required time-stamped videos with catch flags included in footage. If the boat does not turn in both sides of their score sheet by this time, all points are disqualified for that day. Score Sheets and Videos must be hand-delivered to the Score Committee at the John Jay Wharf Cottage by 6:00 PM. Tournament does not allow for final scores to be called in. Scores are not final until they’ve been reviewed by the Score Keeper.
  5. Any fish hooked prior to the lines-out deadline may be fought until boated or released, provided that said fish is reported hooked to another participating vessel before the lines-out deadline. Both sides of the score sheets must be reported Day 1 by 7:00 PM and Day 2 by 6:00 PM. The score sheet must include times of each fish caught. In case of a tie at the end of the two (2) days of fishing, the boat that catches the most points first will be determined the winner.
  6. Both sides of the score sheets must be turned into John Jay Wharf Cottage where scores will be posted.
  7. All fish are the boats’ property, and each boat is responsible for disposing of their own fish. A $200 fine will be imposed on a boat for discarding fish carcasses in the Nantucket Boat Basin and is strictly enforced by their staff. This rule is imposed to ensure the Big Game Battle maintains a positive status with the Boat Basin.
  8. For release purposes, a fish will be considered caught when the mate touches the leader or the leader touches the tip of the rod. Must have clear video with catch flag visible to verify catch.
  9. Footage can be taken on any camera as long as it is clear, decisive, and time-stamped. These videos will be reviewed at the Basin along with the submitted daily catch report on Saturday evening.
  10. Release flags can be found in the Captains’ bags. These flags MUST be visible for all videos of released fish. The color for each catch flag will coincide with the color of that day’s scorecard.
  11. The Tournament will monitor Channel 72. All boats should stay in communication with other boats during fishing hours for safety and fishing updates.
  12. The use of electric reels is prohibited, except for dredge reels.
  13. The use of greensticks is prohibited.
  14. Spreadbars and harpoons are allowed.
  15. A maximum of seven (7) lines in the water is permitted at any time, for both day and night fishing.
  16. There is NO weather committee. The decision to fish is left solely to participants who do so at their OWN RISK. No boat changes are allowed unless approved by the committee.
  17. Each boat captain must fill out both sides, sign, and submit a daily catch report.
  18. This is an invitational (friends of friends) tournament. The committee retains the right to invite participants back the following year. Please be responsible and courteous at all times; otherwise, you will not be invited to participate in the future.
  19. All vessels must follow all Federal and Local regulations, including necessary permits. Any fish that is kept – the length must be recorded on the score card that will be given to NMFS as required.
  20. No liabilities will be assumed by any other vessel or party participating in the tournament. Please proceed at your own risk and carry your own insurance.
  21. There are NO tournament fishing boundaries.
  22. Division 1 boats are 40 feet and larger, Division 2 boats are 39 feet and smaller.
  23. The Big Game Battle Invitational Tournament promotes the conservation of all species of fish and the release of billfish. Use your best judgment and follow the NMFS rules and regulations.


Category Entry Fee
OVERALL $2,000 ENTRY $2,000
OVERALL $1,000 ENTRY $1,000

Calcutta Guidelines

  • “Overall” calcuttas will be the combined points of Day 1 and Day 2- NOT including Nite Bite.
  • ”Nite Bite” will be the combined points from 5pm Friday August 4th to 4:59am on Saturday August 5th. Fish needsto be hooked inside the Nite Bite time frame to count towards the Nite Bite Points.
  • “Billfish Release” will be the combined points for billfish catches. Swordfish will NOT count towards the “Billfish Release” calcutta. Max (4) White Marlin per day and unlimited Blue Marlin. In the event of a tie, the boat who released their last fish first is the winner.
  • ”Division 2 Boat” is for boats 40’ and under, combined points of Day 1 and Day 2- NOT including Nite Bite.
  • “Daily” calcuttas are new in 2023, this will be the combined points from lines in to lines out on Friday (5am-5pm) and Saturday (5am-3pm), Nite Bite will NOT be included. The “Division 2 Daily” are only for Division 2 boats.

10% of total Calcutta Pool will be donated to the charity.

All payments need to be in the form of cash or check.

All payouts folliwng will be a 70% / 30% split, per pool, for first and second place, respectively.

Big Game Battle Pre-Party Fundraiser

Kick off the 2025 Big Game Battle with a Pre-Party Fundraiser at Howl at the Moon on March 27th to support The Friends of Jack Foundation!

Thursday, March 27, 2025
5:00 PM – 8:30 PM

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